EVENT HORIZON – jazz quartet

bar centro 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Event Horizon Jazz Quartet performs a selection of multifarious music composed by band members Jim Kaczmarek and Scott Mertens. "EHJQ is a brilliant blending of diverse influences and inspirations that...


ABC’s of Jazz Letter “U” with Jazzy Joan

bar centro 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

"ABCs of Jazz Letter "U" with Jazzy Joan Join Jazzy Joan (a.k.a. Joan Dadian) this month for letter "U" recorded music, featuring trombonist Urbie Green, bassist Ugonna Ukwego, guitartist Ulf...


Cameron Spann

bar centro 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin


bar centro 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

doors at 8