bar centro presents “Milwaukee Jazz Institute Night”
bar centro 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsinevery third Saturday
every third Saturday
Wisconsin Hotel, Cafe Melange house band reunites! Robin Pluer - vocals and accordion Juli Wood - sax and vocals Connie Grauer - piano, keys, and vocals Kim Zick - drums...
JAZZ TRIO Garrett Waite - guitar Tim Ipsen - bass Hannah Johnson - drums doors open at 7
Milwaukee's Best JAZZ OPEN MIC $10 cover Share Your Talent At This Groovin' Monthly Jam DOORS at 8
JAZZ TRIO Gabe Hammer - organ Troy Leisman - tenor sax Peter Behlmer - drums doors at 7
DUO LIBRA Marcya Danielle - vocals Kristin Sponcia - piano Standards, pop, soul doors at 7
ELECTRIC LADY a vinyl spin featuring jazz, funk, and soul music doors at 7 $10 at door
HEIRLOOM Jazz Trio Jeanne Marie Farinelli - sax Ben Dameron - guitar Hannah Johnson - drums doors at 7
ABC's OF JAZZ JAZZY JOAN aka JOAN DADIAN recorded jazz music every third Thursday doors at 6:30
SHUTTER STEP Aaron Brenton - Ryan Gowdy - Sopon Suwannikit a funky trio playing electric bass with synth pedals, jazz voiced chords, and Motianesque drum accompaniments doors at 7