Electric Lady
bar centro 804 E. Center St., Milwaukee, Wisconsingod degree media presents ELECTRIC LADY a vinyl spin dedicated to jazz, funk, & soul music doors open at 7
god degree media presents ELECTRIC LADY a vinyl spin dedicated to jazz, funk, & soul music doors open at 7
JAZZ TRIO Max Bessesen- saxaphone Devin Drobka - drums Ethan Phillion - bass doors open at 6:30
FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Andrew Spadafora - sax Sam Catral - guitar Tael Estremera - bass Faith Hatch - vocals Fountain Youth is an exuberant instrumental jazz trio experience, featuring hard...
Join Jazzy Joan (a.k.a. Joan Dadian) for her monthly recorded jazz show, the “ABCs of Jazz.” This month features letter “Q” artists: Grammy-winning composer Quincy Jones, and 3 in-demand contemporary...
An evening of piano music.
every third Saturday
Wisconsin Hotel, Cafe Melange house band reunites! Robin Pluer - vocals and accordion Juli Wood - sax and vocals Connie Grauer - piano, keys, and vocals Kim Zick - drums...
JAZZ TRIO Garrett Waite - guitar Tim Ipsen - bass Hannah Johnson - drums doors open at 7
Milwaukee's Best JAZZ OPEN MIC $10 cover Share Your Talent At This Groovin' Monthly Jam DOORS at 8
JAZZ TRIO Gabe Hammer - organ Troy Leisman - tenor sax Peter Behlmer - drums doors at 7